“Every month there are more than 10.3 billion Google searches, with 78% of internet users researching products and services online”. …..B2B Marketing

SEO is an important part of online marketing. We offer our valued clients high-quality professional SEO services in Toronto. Leave the rest up to us as our experts are trained on the latest guidelines from all major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo

SEO Benefits in Digital Marketing

“81% of B2B purchase cycles start with web search and 90% of buyers say when they are ready to buy, “they’ll find you.”

Having professional PPC services takes the guess work out of a very broad subject

On Page SEO Optimization

On-Page SEO Optimization Visualized

Toronto’s SEO Company

Some of the most important SEO elements are the target keywords. Let our team determine the best strategy for all your link building activities to increase your search engine ranking and organic traffic.

Search Engine Optimization is fundamental to success. Our SEO strategies will earn your site a higher ranking in search results. We’ll provide a full SEO keyword rankings report, a link-building profile report, and indexed page information. Our customer focused team will improve your traffic flow and increase sales for your web-based operations.

Activity Reports

We provide a detailed report of your website SEO performance evaluation, as well as data about your traffic, top referring keywords and a full explanation of your search engine activity. Think of Yopie.ca when choosing professional SEO services agency in Toronto.

Content & Optimization

After we’ve completed the research necessary for your industry and goals, we’ll remodel, rejuvenate and optimize your sites content to target the exact clients you want.

Proper Site Structure

We make sure your site’s internal link structure is up to the specific guidelines set in place by Google and the other search engines

Spot On SEO Coding

Our team of super NERDS will “have at” the coding of you site, fine tuning it into an SEO rocket ship that search engines understand. Let’s not forget security and after that, mobile capability!

Site Speed

With Google’s motto being “to provide its users with THE BEST EXPERIENCE POSSIBLE” your site speed is now a ranking factor. Back to the nerds!

Digitally Marketed™ Professional SEO Services In Toronto Get Results!


Organic Traffic Increase


Bounce Rate Decrease


Visit Duration Increased


Pages per Session Increase

Off SEO Page Optimization

Having professional SEO services takes the guess work out of a very broad subject.

A feature overview

93% of people don’t go past the first page of Google, you must be on page one

Every year more consumers look for services online with searches for business increasing over 125% annually. The thing is, 93% of those consumers searching won’t go past the first page of Google to find the services they’re looking for.

Google's First Page Success

Professional SEO Services Agency Vs Doing It Yourself

There have been tremendous changes in the search engine optimization industry over the last several years. A while back, ranking high in the search engines was as simple as spamming your content with relevant keywords, and everybody could do this. However, the process of doing SEO has changed with a lot of preference being given to the quality of the content as well as the backlink profile of the website.
It is possible to learn how SEO is done at the moment and apply the knowledge in ranking your websites, you will be better off looking for professional SEO services in Toronto as opposed to doing it yourself. Here are some of the compelling reasons why:

SEO is very dynamic and difficult to keep up with: The SEO industry is ever-changing. The major search engines which webmasters and website owners rely upon for free traffic keep on updating their search algorithms on a regular basis, and if you are not an expert in the field, you may find it difficult to understand and keep up with the changes, leave alone applying them to your websites. Given that Google has over 250 signals that go into ranking your site and further those signals all have many parameters that must be done right or they’ll affect your SEO negatively. The staff at Yopie has years of experience and we’re still always learning in an ever-changing industry. We’ve put together an incredibly comprehensive system that combines SEO best practices and the expertise of a combined 32 years of digital marketing experience, bear in mind that digital marketing is about 15 years old.

SEO requires lots of high-quality content: Content is a core component of search engine optimization and to achieve stellar results it’s advisable to have a good amount of high-quality targeted content on the websites. Content refers to things like articles, videos, infographics, etc. which will be used to pass quality and relevant information to the target audience.

As an individual, you may not find it easy to generate this kind of content, either you don’t have the skills to produce them or the resources to get them done. But professional SEO agencies, have teams dedicated to creating different kinds of TARGETED content in the right formats that will be beneficial to the SEO needs of their clients.

SEO requires consistency: For effective results in search engine optimization, consistency is very important. This is the only way to keep up with the plethora of algorithm changes and ensure that the websites are compliant with all the requirements of the search engines. Since social media has become a force to reckon with in search engine optimization, it will be necessary to maintain a perpetual presence on various social sites to continue boosting the SEO rankings and brand awareness of your business. Only agencies with the resources in place truly have the resources to alter, monitor and implement the changes necessary to keep up, your web presence is a full-time job and social media is only one small facet of it.

Professional SEO services are available: With all the intricacies involved in proper search engine optimization and the fact that there are already professionals ready to take care of all your search engine optimization needs, it sounds logical to let them do their job as you concentrate on other aspects of your business, like making money. Besides, it might take you a lot of time with no guarantees of success given that you are not an expert in the industry and you will have a lot of learning to do along the way. In the years that it will take you to learn and implement all the facets of your web presence, you may have lost a lot of money, remember that if there’s a good return on investment then it’s a simple decision to find professional SEO services in Toronto.

What Clients Say About Digitally Marketed™

“Experiencing a surge from 12 to an impressive 72 leads monthly, we now hold top spots on the first page with over 120 keywords, all thanks to Digitally Marketed™

Review by Bruce Sanders for Digitally Marketed™

Bruce Sanders

Detoxification Works ®

“Since engaging Digitally Marketed™, we’ve taken over the first page, leaving our competitors behind. We’ve seen a staggering 216% revenue increase – a testament to the power of digital marketing.”

Review by Sandra Butts for Digitally Marketed™

Sandra Butts

Food Jinn

“Majdi’s Toronto team at Digitally Marketed ™ expertly boosted our online presence; highly recommended for digital success.”

Portrait of Layth from the House of Layth

Layth Raoof

House Of Layth

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“If you’ve read their website then you know that this all makes incredible sense.”

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📞 647-498-6604


As a company our philosophy is directed by ‘BIG DATA.’ We research, design and develope and let the numbers roll in. Once in, we adjust and test all aspects of your campaign to increase it’s efficiency… Rewind and repeat, the numbers tell us where to go.



4470 Tucana Court

Mississauga, Ontario

L5R 3K8 Canada

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