“Marketers Who Have Prioritized SEO Are 13X More Likely To Enjoy Positive ROI.” – Hubspot

Digitally marketed™


Consider your website as your TORONTO small business’s storefront, with various digital marketing methods acting as revenue streams. A diversified strategy means not relying solely on a single method, safeguarding your business from unexpected changes in Google’s algorithm or the diminished effectiveness of a particular method. Multiple studies have shown that employing a wide range of internet marketing tactics can have a synergistic effect, leading to a 72% increase in online conversions, a 44% rise in sales, and a notable 130% surge in brand awareness.

Digital Marketing Methods in a Toronto Small Business Context with CN Tower Symbolism

“Internet marketing moves at the speed of light. To keep up, you need a strong foundation with the judgment to think critically, act independently, and be relentlessly creative.”

Digitally Marketed™ Online Marketing Services

The Digitally Marketed System includes all methods of the Marketing services we provide

Toronto Digital Business Booster™ Online Marketing Services for New and Established Ventures

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing for new business ideas or established ventures, you need a strong foundation, and the ability to think critically, act independently, and uphold relentless creativity. This is what TORONTO DIGITAL BUSINESS BOOSTER™ Online Marketing Services offers.

Social Media Advertising

Our system encompasses all facets of the Marketing services we provide, including PPC Remarketing and Social Media Advertising, making us one of the top marketing agencies in Toronto.

so you get back to work and stop reading about marketing

A Rounded Approach

Pay Per Click

In front of your ideal client and only pay if they click.

Search Engine Optimize

The ultimate for increasing your website’s traffic

Blog and Article Writing

Be an authority in your field, that’s how you rank!

Social Media Marketing

Keep yourself in front of and engaged with your clients.

Internet Marketing

Don’t have all your eggs in the search engine basket.

Google Local Ranking

Local searches have the largest rate of conversion.

Display Advertising

Each year, more consumers turn to the internet for services, with searches for businesses seeing a yearly increase of over 131%. Yet, a whopping 93% of these consumers won’t venture beyond the first page of Google to find what they’re looking for.

Video Ads and Explainers

And let’s not overlook the power of social media marketing. Platforms like Facebook have seen a quadrupling in sales since they introduced advertising, proving that businesses starting from home can gain significant traction online. Whether you need to raise awareness about your brand, product, or service, we’ll devise a social advertising strategy aimed to meet your targets, placing us among the top social media marketing companies.

Social Media Impact on Business

Turn your valuable ‘potential customers’ into ‘loyal customers’. Our team of professionals will help you re-engage users who have expressed an interest in developing a strategy that will meet all your needs.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media has really gained steam….because it works, Facebook alone has quadrupled sales in the short time they’ve offered advertising. Need to generate awareness about your brand, product or service? We’ll develop a social advertising strategy aimed to meet your targets.

Our Clients are Currently Enjoying


Organic Traffic Increase


Bounce Rate Decrease


Visit Duration Increased


Pages per Session Increase

Off SEO Page Optimization

“Having Professional SEO Services Takes The Guess Work Out Of A Very Broad Subject.” – Digitally Marketed ™

Off page SEO is incredibly important and one must know what they are doing because Google has focused on eliminating the shady methods that many got away with years ago. Google now values the quality of the backlinks and whether they’re from a reputable source earned naturally from someone who might be in the industry. The difference being that any shady practices now get penalized, Google has actually set up a “GOOGLE BEST PRACTICES” outline to keep sites safe and shield them from changes in the algorithm. Engaging content has become the new route to Google’s first page, great content properly optimized and targeted will encourage sharing of your content, creating natural backlinks that appear organically.

Get On Board Or Get Left Behind..Really

VERY FEW businesses have more than a website, even less have an SEO optimized site using lead capturing techniques and again less are in the know about where a large portion of ‘business leads’ are going and to a large degree, have already gone.

What to Look for in an Internet Marketing Company?

The Benefits of Online Marketing Services: Marketing is a core component of every type of business,  a business might be tempted to undertake the marketing on their own, but logic would dictate that you should seek professional marketing services for better results. Here are some of the benefits you will get from such services.

Added Convenience: Marketing may not be your area of expertise, instead of stretching yourself thin by trying to market your business and at the same time trying to nurture and convert leads, it would be a good idea to relieve yourself of the burden and let professionals do the marketing for you as you concentrate and converting the leads and let’s face it, running you the business. This offers you a lot of convenience and you will get to focus on other important aspects of your business, like making money.

A Consistent flow of leads: By choosing an internet marketing company, you will be guaranteed a consistent flow of leads into your business. In this manner, you will have the gas needed to keep the wheels of the business machine rolling. Remember that in any business, the absence of leads can easily make your life harder and more stressful than need be. However, this should never happen if you pay for marketing services with a strategic and measured approach. The company should consistently be receiving fresh leads, and if done right, an ever-increasing amount of leads over time.

Good ROIs: Some marketing campaigns can be expensive, but it a worthwhile venture in the long run. With such marketing services, you will get highly targeted leads to your business and your duty will simply be to close them. Depending on the value and the nature of transactions that take place in the industry, you can certainly get a high return on investments with most client studies reporting a return on investment of 500% in the first 2 years.

Additional Brand awareness: Every business’s ultimate desire is to create a powerful brand that will make them stand out from the crowd. As a business owner, or someone running a business, you should always strive to have a strong brand that will be easily recognized by both current and potential clients. In this manner, you will create credibility in your business and you will find it easy to close deals and accumulate more leads.

The thing is do most business owners know how? Building a strong brand in a fairly competitive industry involves a great deal of know-how and is incredibly labour-intensive. With professional marketing services, you’re dealing with trained marketers that have a clearly defined marketing strategy to market your business effectively, so that you stand out from the rest and get the maximum benefits when growing your real estate brand.

Marketing makes it possible to grow your business: Internet marketing companies make it possible for clients to grow their businesses. Marketing will expose your business to potential clients. The more people you can reach, the more leads you can collect and the higher the number of deals you can close. This is how growth is achieved in any industry.

What Clients Say About Digitally Marketed™

“Experiencing a surge from 12 to an impressive 72 leads monthly, we now hold top spots on the first page with over 120 keywords, all thanks to Digitally Marketed™

Review by Bruce Sanders for Digitally Marketed™

Bruce Sanders

Detoxification Works ®

“Since engaging Digitally Marketed™, we’ve taken over the first page, leaving our competitors behind. We’ve seen a staggering 216% revenue increase – a testament to the power of digital marketing.”

Review by Sandra Butts for Digitally Marketed™

Sandra Butts

Food Jinn

“Majdi’s Toronto team at Digitally Marketed ™ expertly boosted our online presence; highly recommended for digital success.”

Portrait of Layth from the House of Layth

Layth Raoof

House Of Layth

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“If you’ve read their website then you know that this all makes incredible sense.”

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📞 647-498-6604


As a company our philosophy is directed by ‘BIG DATA.’ We research, design and develope and let the numbers roll in. Once in, we adjust and test all aspects of your campaign to increase it’s efficiency… Rewind and repeat, the numbers tell us where to go.



4470 Tucana Court

Mississauga, Ontario

L5R 3K8 Canada

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