Why Choose Digitally Marketed™?

One Search at a Time

Every month, countless potential customers, from your city to global locations, search online for services like yours. From startups envisioning global ventures to established firms aiming to amplify their digital footprint, the online world offers boundless opportunities.

Rooted in Canada’s dynamic business environment, we grasp the intricacies of serving businesses worldwide. Our strength lies not just in digital marketing, but in designing strategies that align with busvalues while targeting a global audience. Partner with us to harness the expansive digital prospects, ensuring your business resonates both locally and internationally.
Canadian Digital Marketing Agency - Global Reach
Top Search Engine Rankings Concept

Not on THE first page?

You Must Be On Page One

93% of online users don’t scroll beyond Google’s first page. For startups and small businesses, securing that coveted spot is vital. With the digital landscape becoming increasingly competitive, it’s essential for your brand to stand out. Whether you’re a local startup aiming for recognition in your city, a small business looking to expand across Canada, or venturing to capture a global market, we’re here to ensure you achieve the visibility and reach you aspire to.

How it works


Our team

A surprising number of small businesses lack an SEO-optimized website or employ lead-capturing techniques. With the digital media effects shifting where business leads originate, partnering with top marketing agencies like us is more vital than ever.

Get On Board Or Get Left Behind.. Really

0 %

online searches for local businesses increase in last 3 year

$ 0 m
The estimated value we’ve added to our customers’ businesses.
The number of customers we’ve helped to achieve better results online.

The Good News

The silver lining for your small business or new business ideas is the digital landscape is still under utilized. Few have adopted Toronto digital marketing strategies; thus, those who start fortifying their web presence now with top marketing agencies will be future leaders on Google’s first page, leaving others to play catch up.


Having professional PPC services takes the guess work out of a very broad subject

Toronto's Professional Seo Services Agency - DIGITALLY MARKETED™

Our all-inclusive system embraces every aspect of the marketing services we offer, making us a top choice among the best content marketing agencies.

Futuristic Digital Marketing Control Panel

We Handle Everything!

At Digitally Marketed ™, we pinpoint the specific searches in your area from people seeking your services, ensuring your small business or new business idea is front and center on Google’s first page. With 90% of consumers starting their search online, we ensure your website is ready to convert them.

Long Term Planning

We design sites with scalability at the core, allowing your online presence to grow stronger and more influential over time. This approach increases your rankings, leads to more leads, and involves adding targeted EVERGREEN content that’s promoted via top social media marketing companies to meet set targets.
So YOU can get back to work and stop reading about marketing.

A Rounded Approach

Pay Per Click

In front of your ideal client and only pay if they click.

Search Engine Optimize

The ultimate for increasing your website’s traffic

Blog and Article Writing

Be an authority in your field, that’s how you rank!

Social Media Marketing

Keep yourself in front of and engaged with your clients.

Internet Marketing

Don’t have all your eggs in the search engine basket.

Google Local Ranking

Local searches have the largest rate of conversion.

Our Current Clients Numbers

At Digitally Marketed ™ our sole mission is to boost your small business, and we believe our results speak for themselves. Toronto digital marketing is binary: it either delivers or it doesn’t. Our clients, like Bruce Sanders, attest to an excellent return on investment and business growth. His anticipation for the next year, after a successful one, is a testament to our service as one of the top marketing agencies.


With companies that blog receiving 65% more leads and ranking twice as well, our dedicated blog and article writers are a crucial part of your small business or new business ideas. They bring experience from every field to boost your Toronto digital marketing.


Social media, responsible for driving 32% of all website traffic last year, is an indispensable part of your digital media effects strategy. Our team can manage your presence and customer interactions in this vital arena for Digital Word of Mouth. Remember, every website on page one will eventually be professionally managed with a solid digital plan in place.

“Eventually, every website on page one will have to have had a digital plan in place and will be professionally managed”

How Swiftly Can a Top Marketing Agency Enhance Your Home Business Rankings?

The vast field of SEO, crucial in the Toronto digital marketing landscape, makes it challenging to predict the exact timeline for a professional agency to elevate your website’s ranking. This process, influenced by countless factors outside your control as a website owner, can be particularly complex when dealing with highly competitive keywords. Some websites have dedicated years and employed comprehensive digital marketing plans to achieve their rankings. Many believe that in the near future, page one of Google will be dominated by professionally managed sites, like the best content marketing agencies, constantly evolving into industry-leading authorities.

Unlike other immediate-result traffic sources, SEO is a long-term commitment. It involves adherence to specific guidelines and demands constant effort and time before the fruits of your labour begin to show. Attempts to game the system with black hat SEO tactics often result in sites being blacklisted and subsequently struggling to regain their rankings.

When gauging how swiftly a top social media marketing company can elevate your website’s ranking, it’s crucial to understand the various factors. The SEO landscape is vast, with Google using over 250 signals that differ based on your specific niche. These factors include:

Competition in your niche Ranking in competitive niches is more challenging than in less saturated areas. Even with professional SEO services, it may take time to rank your website. However, a top-notch SEO company can identify less competitive long-tail keywords that, despite lower search volumes, are easier to rank for and attract highly qualified leads.

Your website’s link profile Quality link building is a cornerstone of SEO. With natural, non-spammy links, a good business to start can earn high rankings. However, SEO experts may need time to build a relevant link profile and even more time for Google to discover and index these links.

Quality content – Previously, large volumes of content could earn your website a first-page ranking swiftly. However, search engines have become smarter, now prioritizing quality over quantity. Therefore, even with an SEO team, consistently creating and posting high-quality content for natural backlinking and SEO purposes takes time.

Technical SEO Factors – The efficiency of a professional SEO service also hinges on technical SEO aspects, including user experience, site loading speeds, mobile responsiveness, and cross-browser compatibility. All these are ranking factors. Therefore, even if other factors are in order, technical issues can delay the desired results.

SEO is a dynamic field with constant changes. The best approach is to view it as an ongoing process and engage a professional service like the best business ideas in digital marketing. A structured digital plan adhering to best practices will shield you from the effects of continuous algorithm changes and help your home business or new business ideas gain and maintain visibility in the ever-changing digital landscape.

What Clients Say About Digitally Marketed™

“Experiencing a surge from 12 to an impressive 72 leads monthly, we now hold top spots on the first page with over 120 keywords, all thanks to Digitally Marketed™

Review by Bruce Sanders for Digitally Marketed™

Bruce Sanders

Detoxification Works ®

“Since engaging Digitally Marketed™, we’ve taken over the first page, leaving our competitors behind. We’ve seen a staggering 216% revenue increase – a testament to the power of digital marketing.”

Review by Sandra Butts for Digitally Marketed™

Sandra Butts

Food Jinn

“Majdi’s Toronto team at Digitally Marketed ™ expertly boosted our online presence; highly recommended for digital success.”

Portrait of Layth from the House of Layth

Layth Raoof

House Of Layth

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“If you’ve read their website then you know that this all makes incredible sense.”

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📞 647-498-6604


As a company our philosophy is directed by ‘BIG DATA.’ We research, design and develope and let the numbers roll in. Once in, we adjust and test all aspects of your campaign to increase it’s efficiency… Rewind and repeat, the numbers tell us where to go.



4470 Tucana Court

Mississauga, Ontario

L5R 3K8 Canada

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